AWS Cost and Usage Governance — A Beginner’s Guide

Charles Woodruff
4 min readDec 13, 2020


Amazon’s platform is huge, and the AWS initiate to can be overwhelmed with getting to learn and build with as many services as possible. Sounds like fun, right? It is! Trust me, but before all the building commences make sure you know the cost.

Whether you have started using Amazon’s Free Tier or you are past your free year of use make sure you have notifications in place to let you know when the bill is getting near your pain threshold.

This hands-on lab will guide you through the steps to implement cost and usage governance in order to control your cost and to align them with your personal or business requirements.

1. Log into AWS using a root or administrative account.

2. Access the Billing Console, and Select Budgets.

3. Select Create A Budget.

4. Select Cost Budget and then Set Your Budget.

5. Create your budget by updating the highlighted fields. Note the “Last month’s cost” message next to the Budgeted amount field. The budgeted amount should be less than the previous month. In this instance, the last month’s cost was $0.26 so the budgeted amount notification is set for $0.25.

6. Select Configure Alerts.

7. Update the following fields.

8. Select Confirm Budget.

9. Select Create.

10. A success message will be returned.

11. A verification email will be sent to your account.

We will create a monthly EC2 actual cost budget, which will notify if the actual costs of EC2 instances exceeds the specified amount.

  1. Access the Billing Console, and Select Budgets.

2. Select Create A Budget.

3. Set your budget using the following fields.

4. Click on Service.

5. In the search field, type Elastic then select eC2-Instances (Elastic Compute Cloud — Compute).

Select Apply filters.

6. Uncheck Upfront reservation fees.

7. Select Confirm budget then Create.

8. The new budget will appear under the All Budgets tab.

We will create a monthly savings plan coverage budget which will notify if the coverage of Savings Plan for EC2 is below the specified amount.

  1. Access the Billing Console, and Select Budgets.

Select Create A Budget.

2. Select Savings Plans budget then select Set your budget.

3. Update the following fields as specified.

4. Select Configure alerts.

5. Update the email field then select Confirm budget.

6. Select Create.

7. A verification email will be sent to the email address provided.

AWS Budgets Reports allow you to create and send daily, weekly, or monthly reports to monitor the performance of your AWS Budgets.

  1. Access the Billing Console, and Select Budgets.

2. Select Create Budget Report.

3. Update the following fields, select all reports and then select Configure Delivery Settings.

4. Update the following fields and then select Confirm Budget Report.

5. Select Create.

6. A verification email will be sent to the email address provided.



Charles Woodruff
Charles Woodruff

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